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【华美国际学校】家校携手 共同托起明天的太阳

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发表于 2019-11-4 15:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


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时维九月,序属三秋。梧桐长青,阳光依旧。为了架起家校沟通桥梁,促进交流与合作,达成教育共识,促进孩子们安全、健康、快乐地成长,华美外国语学校于2019年9月20日下午召开了初中部学生家长会。6 r! f4 V8 {- c+ B

. m: @. p/ Y7 @* iOn September 20th ,HM foreign Language school held a parents’ meeting of middle school department in the afternoon in order to help our students grow up happily and healthily and build the communication bridge between school and parents.
1 n5 a* ^; t9 X- ?0 Y$ C+ A" a% _- {9 f
. f) S7 {4 q1 u+ {% @& Q( i2 L* R4 W0 b: I
1 A! g6 d4 x- y% X( @+ m

6 J/ N8 `0 C4 u3 R为了孩子的教育,家长们都提前安排好工作,有从香港过来的妈妈,有从出差地直接赶回的爸爸,有携手同来的父母,也有爱孙情深的爷爷奶奶。每个教室的屏幕上,都滚动播放着孩子们三周以来的各种活动照片,伴着《We are the World(For Children)》音乐,家长们都受到了热情欢迎。孩子的自信优雅懂事礼貌让家长们老师们颔首称道。
) s7 Z2 G! o7 W6 ~4 e
5 y, F9 J# ^1 uThey reschedule their work and tried their best to rush back to school for the parents’meeting.They were warmly welcomed by our dedicated and well-prepared teachers and confident and polite students.
+ X  r; N' K& ~+ f
3 d" ^" l5 ?; y: s" Q2 q4 z7 y刘校长讲话, Z4 C' c9 e7 M5 J5 O& Q6 F" f
) t; ]" P. s7 z1 u+ b- ~

: @4 ]0 D, C! J4 o: j
5 m. g# z9 [: J* g0 W7 ]! c家长会于1:00正式开始。首先由刘礼功校长讲话,他从办学特色、师资力量、课程体系和学生教育管理与服务及评价等方面介绍了学校,对广大学生及家长的信任和支持表示诚挚的感谢。刘校长在讲话中与家长分享了我校的众多优势,真诚地摆出我校的不足。刘校长“在保证基础的基础上发展个性”,培养“身心好、会做人、善做事、能读书,个性足、特色明、视野阔、情怀远”的未来国际精英的办学思路,对“根深中华,美绽世界”办学理念的解读,对IB PYP项目的介绍和对 IB MYP项目的展望等都让人耳目一新。刘校长最后指出:“教育只有起点没有终点,我们永远在路上"。每个孩子对于家庭都是整个世界。我们一定想你所想,急你所急,用一双手推动摇篮,用一颗心亲吻土地,用一腔情守望港湾。”真诚暖心的话语、庄严神圣的承诺受到与会家长与师生的交口称赞。
; T& N* [' ^( h; q# F* x  N
& \8 u% U: S' N" q, p1 gThe parents’ meeting started at 1:00 p.m.. The first part of it was Principal Liu’s speech which introduced our school from the perspective of features of our school, professional teaching team,course system andStudents’ education and management system.It also described many other parts of our programs like IB MYP.The speech was well acclaimed by both teachers and parents.
) ]+ _8 @+ Y2 h1 H. B% T: ^( s, d# x, H6 e9 A3 J- s0 x. a
科任老师与家长交流3 D8 i# d$ S' R& C

/ J. _+ `% ]+ s
+ G; M: ?% Q# i4 `
( S7 {5 P5 d, Z: v随后,分班家长会。温馨家园、精彩回放、优秀集萃、知识提升、励志祝福,一个一个的版块,昭示着每一位优秀班主任的爱心和功夫。“精彩回放”让孩子们三周华美生活的精彩瞬间在此定格!这是青春、奋斗的身影,看着孩子们在学习上的专注、学生会竞赛上的朝气、拓展训练中的蜕变,家长们舒心地笑了!“励志祝福”重拾我们的初心,坚定了家校要共同努力的方向!“知识提升”三个年级分别以中小学衔接、防止分化、中西融合教育等为重点,沟通交流。
2 ^% K  o$ E9 p8 E. S
: ~8 e/ s# g, L' e  lThe second part of parents’ meeting is done separately in different classes. Sweet home , vivid school life episode, excellent students, encouragement and blessings are the vivid section of headteachers’ introduction of the several weeks’school life of our kids. The communication was successful and parents were happy to witness our kids’ change.) O6 z# Y5 T  [) b8 u  n" E7 q
2 A/ [2 M$ _$ O3 _0 @0 L
+ }& N* B* N6 O
- p  R2 f) A8 J' _* n5 Y
; f: g6 o1 G7 m& |; R1 L
: F+ l$ G1 q- U8 _& l初中生正处于生理、心理迅速发展阶段,由儿童走向成人,由幼稚走向成熟,人生观、世界观、价值观处于萌芽发展时期。初中学段具有为孩子的当前发展和今后乃至终生发展奠定良好基础的作用、承上启下的作用和保证孩子可持续发展的作用。所以,初中学段在孩子健康成长和一生发展中是一个极为重要的阶段。如何让学生健康成长,做父母的怎样帮助孩子明确成长目标、学习目标、自我完善的目标,从而让他们认识自我、悦纳自我、发展自我、协调自我,使孩子发展成为一个健康、成熟而能自我实现的人?1 K, Y6 U4 ^$ U$ {& J

* r# t* u' J0 j/ d' K: EMiddle school stage is a special stage of life for Children ,which is a transition part from children to teenagers and plays an important part as well. How to make our children become healthy mature and self-accomplished ?3 G6 N5 a1 J! ^) l) s9 D9 M

' n9 e' b. c) }/ E+ T3 ?* ?701班; o$ D7 j5 Z1 y1 B) _6 k
( q3 X) r) t( J9 n0 H
  }1 e7 E% b- Y

6 B( \; w; y8 c$ e+ h' n; n701班王均如家长在会前曾写了一封致老师的信,信中中肯分析了孩子的优缺点,表达了对华美培养目标的充分认可,同时寄予了对孩子未来的满心期待。701班班主任从书信入手,和家长一起讨论如何做最优质的教育,做最有品位的教育。" j* J1 ]4 g" W, x4 M3 z3 T0 Q

" D' b, X3 i* l  tThe letter from one parent in Class 1, Grade 7 expressed his sincere thanks to our teachers and our school and depicted great expectation on children’s future development.
6 I! H% [5 x/ o
* o, ]1 Y2 |2 \, `% `7 b702班7 _% l( W: |3 J- E+ o1 s
' |, x% g! Q; j6 U- h5 W
; C3 n, a  p6 ?
9 E$ P) U# h$ b/ O: Z. d
  E0 F: u2 {& ^. ^! K0 K
# F1 l- i9 Z$ M6 @Headteacher from Class1, Grade 7 focused on the entrance exam to high school to help our students.1 k9 h# Q1 w8 W1 T

, F" F/ b' }  Y. R3 j801班: \6 M) f5 a! B( |9 ~  g7 B4 i
% x) k1 H1 I$ N" ~

$ d0 E3 j! }7 S$ O
+ A9 r3 i9 \5 }1 G& @8 ]801班班主任,从各个方面对半期来表现优秀的学生进行了大力表彰。各种激励也让家长明白,多一把衡量学生的尺子,就多一批优秀的学生。并针对初二年级随着科目增多、难度加大,如何防止分化,给予了科学学习方法的指导。
/ R) H9 j- |5 F" L4 u" L8 U9 n: r) O8 e5 f8 d# _' v8 {+ K& d* y# I
Headteacher of Class1, Grade8 praised excellent students in the first school weeks and encouraged our parents to look at our children from more perspectives and gave scientific guidance on how to help students get used to more subjects in the later study.
% N: ~8 i, t1 n+ m+ D
& R/ F! P4 P% D* L; U& g; a' B901班
; v' J" _7 {/ D( h1 `0 W: [9 g1 e* l; u& a9 Q3 h' X; P) G; [$ o
- \) V1 O* k& z) L) n2 q5 N, i8 p

2 j% ?& I; G- d! A& m901班班主任,从新学期新面貌,高度赞扬了开学三周来孩子们可圈可点的努力,从“我要成为什么样的人”“如何才能成为这样的人”“家长孩子该怎样做”等三个维度,和家长进行了交流沟通,从大国气度希望家长“放眼孩子的未来,立足孩子的当下”,希望孩子们“敬师敬长敬课堂、立规立德立志向”,好风凭借力,骏马驰千里。并根据学生情况和家长孩子一起观看《鹰之重生》,激励学生挑战旧我、铸就新我。同时向家长推荐了蔡笑晚先生的《我的事业是父亲》,像蔡笑晚先生一样,把父母这个“事业”兢兢业业做好。
* y/ C; \& X7 i. U9 e& F0 r: _. e
Headteacher of class 1, Grade9 praised students’ efforts in making a change in the first three weeks. She helped parents with methods on how to help our children set goals and what parents can do to help them and watch some encouraging educational short video clips.. R+ N' z" R3 k& V

) ]$ |3 C1 [6 S6 u8 P( D互相交流
3 T( F6 L7 M) H: v
$ A1 M- {9 v, L5 f8 |6 i4 ^# E/ v/ x/ `0 x
& l3 I/ z5 c" E/ q
近三个小时的家长会结束了,家长们仍然不离开,围着老师询问着,交流着……他们就孩子的各种日常表现、学习以及生活习惯等等教育困惑与科任老师进行了沟通,老师们用真挚、朴实的语言,生动鲜活的例子,不厌其烦一一解答,给家长们支招,指导家长们如何科学的教育和管理孩子,为家长朋友们提供了更多地教育理念和方法,老师们的真切的关爱深深地感染着在场的每一位家长,会场气氛热烈和谐。3 K2 L' K4 x8 g9 C7 q

" g- l: K6 K' P: Y, ~The meeting lasted for more than three hours and was beloved my our parents and it helped build a bridge between parents and teachers and presented a lot of educating concepts and methods. The atmosphere was harmonious and parents were touched by our devoted teachers.' a: ]" Z7 q# o! a+ {5 a# T# B
" H* n+ ~* l' v/ D
, a4 @  u1 R% E2 q
; \8 Z4 S/ m! DAll parents love their kids and all teachers wished that their students can grow up healthily and happily with a good command of knowledge.The meeting links the connection between school and parents and gives us a lot of confidence to join hands to help children become the future talents.

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